



UI/UX Design
UI/UX Design

With the launch of the new MindSphere platform, we created our own miniature world with a live-streaming demo that demonstrated how MindSphere can be used to pull real data in real time. As a designer on this project I worked underneath design lead Robert Hegeman on the UI/UX of the website and demo and worked with development to ensure the quality of the design throughout the dev. process.

With the launch of the new MindSphere platform, we created our own miniature world with a live-streaming demo that demonstrated how MindSphere can be used to pull real data in real time. As a designer on this project I worked underneath design lead Robert Hegeman on the UI/UX of the website and demo and worked with development to ensure the quality of the design throughout the dev. process.

Our world tracked data in a custom day/night cycle for our wind farm, train, smart city, & brewery relaying the data to a custom dashboard in real time.

minsphere-io (4)-min
minsphere-io (3)-min
minsphere-io (5)-min

Site Design

Site Design

Site Design

Site Design

The demo needed to live within the much larger Siemens website, so we created a landing page for the project that would explain to developers what the product was, how it worked, and to encourage them to enter the demo to learn more about how they could use MindSphere.

The demo needed to live within the much larger Siemens website, so we created a landing page for the project that would explain to developers what the product was, how it worked, and to encourage them to enter the demo to learn more about how they could use MindSphere.

The demo needed to live within the much larger Siemens website, so we created a landing page for the project that would explain to developers what the product was, how it worked, and to encourage them to enter the demo to learn more about how they could use MindSphere.

minsphere-io (1)-min





This project couldn't have been accomplished solo, here's all the key players.

Graduated with top portfolio nominations and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Communication Design.

Executive Digital Producer

Josh Deitel

Josh Deitel

Design Lead

Robert Hegeman

Robert Hegeman

Tech Director

Michael Nicosia

Michael Nicosia

Sr. Developer

Carlos Agosto

Carlos Agosto

3D Modeling & Production

John Hatheway

John Hatheway