Product Design, Mobile App Design, Marketing

Google Primer App

Google Primer was a free mobile application that offers quick, easy-to-understand lessons to help business owners and individuals grow skills and reach their goals. The app was developed to help users develop skills that would help them start their own business, grow their business, and grow their careers.



Million Downloads


Rating on Play Store


Rating on App Store


Languages Supported

Primer Version 5.0

Rebrand Upate

Rebrand Update

Primer Version 5.0

Primer Version 5.0


Primer was one of the highest rated Google apps on the app store, here's what our users had to say about us:

Primer was one of the highest rated Google apps on the app store, here's what our users had to say about us:

Primer was one of the highest rated Google apps on the app store, here's what our users had to say about us:

Primer was one of the highest rated Google apps on the app store, here's what our users had to say about us:

Primer was one of the highest rated Google apps on the app store, here's what our users had to say about us:





Bonus Content

The bonus content update would see the organization and promotion of helpful resources to users to help them post lesson. The difficulty in this update would be to provide users with resources in such a way to not disrupt their learning flow. This would result in the production of an in-app browser, a restructure of the users' resources tab, and the redesign of the lesson recap page.

Before & After

Rebrand Upate

Rebrand Update

Primer Version 5.0

Primer Version 5.0

Bonus-Links-Before-min Bonus-Links-After-min

Onboarding 2.0

The onboarding carousel for the app was becoming dated, this update would see a transition away from old skill illustrations to user personas being implemented elsewhere. This would usher in part of the new rebranded look and feel within the first few screens of the application.

Onboarding-Before-4-min Onboarding-After-5-min

User Selection Onboarding Step

This added feature of the onboarding would allow users to identify their learning goals which would also determine the content that would be served to them upon entering the app for the first time. Additional updates grouped in with this release were improvements to the styling of the onboarding flow as well as the introduction to the 4 user groups that would also guide the email marketing.

Onboarding-USSO-Before Onboarding-USSO-After-min-1

Guided Learning Updates

To continue with the idea of guided learning we would make updates to the dominant call to action on the homepage of the app to help users start learning quickly and track their progress. Updates grouped in with this release were mostly content focused, we would serve users with minicourses (groups of lessons) to make sure they were being provided with more relevant content.

GL-before-min GL-After-min


Search is a department of the Primer app that needs more investment. This update would shape how we serve content to users and provide them with new filters to toggle between lesson content and minicourse content.

Search-Before-min Search-After-min

Skills Reorganization

A whopping new 12 skills would be added to the product directory as a way to specify skill content further and make the lessons easier to identify. This update would see updated design for the drawer menu, skills landing pages, and lesson/minicourse tiles.

Skills-Before-2 Skills-After





It takes a village...etc.etc., here's the people who made it work.

Design Lead

Aliza Adam

Aliza Adam

Product Lead

Justin Cegnar

Justin Cegnar

Sr. Content Manager

Gabriel Manga

Gabriel Manga

Sr. Copywriter

Jenny Nelson

Jenny Nelson


Gwendal Le Bec

Gwendal Le Bec

Product Manager

Kayla Wellbery

Kayla Wellbery

Development Lead

Natacha Fernandez

Natacha Fernandez

Android Developer

Lee Falarca

Lee Falarca

IOS Developer

Gina Binetti

Gina Benetti

IOS Developer

Jeff Cranford

Jeff Cranford
