Work across teams and platforms to rapidly iterate on concepts & features.
An experimental update to the Asana form builder that would allow users to trigger actions based on responses.
Explorations of various ways to house rules within forms with different functonality implications. Including containing rules within sections, creating a new rules tab, etc.
Users were looking for more automations and this was a quick experiment to determine if we provided users with small automations in their form builder if they would understand them and elect them.
Different explorations offer varying levels of complexity in UI/Eng. Cost but it would also involve a lot of conversation of exactly how prominent the feature would need to be in order to bring value to the users without getting in their way.
Create/edit experience for the new launch of the custom field gallery in Asana.
Custom fields are specified inputs that allow users to track various types of information on a task. For example, single/multi-select forms, percentage, formulas, etc. Custom fields exist within project view, task view, and portfolios.
The field gallery was created to promote template field types and encourage users to use their own customized fields more frequently.
A simple design created for the in-modal experience of the gallery so that the process of creating, editing, or viewing un-editable templates is uniform for users. One additional insight born from this exploration was the funcitonality to allow users to take a precreated template from the gallery and copy it to make it their own.
Designing for the future, we brainstormed multiple ways for users to quickly add and edit fields directly from the project view, exploring sidebar designs and smaller leaner modals.
Thanks to the wonderful team members that helped make this happen.
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Graduated with top portfolio nominations and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Communication Design.